Innovations in ED Management

Live Course Pricing & Registration

We encourage you to register online but you can also register by calling our office at 1-800-458-4779 or download a printable registration form that can be mailed or faxed.

The tuition has been structured to encourage hospitals or related companies to send teams of individuals who are integral to the function of their emergency department. When registering as a group, a single check or one credit card needs to serve as payment for the group, otherwise individual registration rates apply. Please designate one person to serve as the conference liaison for the group.

Note: If more than six people plan to attend from one hospital or group, please call our office at (800) 458-4779 (9am - 4:30pm ET, M-F) for special pricing.

Note: For resident and fellow discounts, please call our office at (800) 458-4779 (9am - 4:30pm ET, M-F)

Registration Refund/Cancellation Policy

Cancellations must be made to the Center for Medical Education via phone (800-458-4779), fax (610-454-9494) or email ( prior to the start of the conference and will be charged a $50 cancellation fee.

No refunds will be given on or after the start date.

Speakers & Schedule

Although we make every effort to lock in our speaker list and the course schedule, life happens and circumstances are sometimes beyond our control. Thus, all speakers and scheduling are subject to change without notice.

Privacy Policy

The contact and personal information we collect about you will never be shared outside of The Center for Medical Education, Inc.

We may photograph or videotape speakers and attendees for use in online or printed promotions. By virtue of your attendance, you grant us the right to take such photos or videos and to use your likeness in such materials.