We’re very pleased to present to you the organizations supporting the Innovations in ED Management Conference.

Founded in 1994, the Emergency Department Benchmarking Alliance (EDBA) is a not-for-profit organization which exists solely to support the individuals who manage emergency departments across the country. EDBA maintains an unbiased database of ED demographic and performance metrics from over 800 hospitals reporting annually. The organization fosters communication between members regarding operational and policy issues, cosponsors educational and consensus conferences related to ED management along with providing a framework for support of ED operational research.

The Center for Medical Education, through its publications and courses, has been providing emergency medicine and primary care providers with evidence-based educational content focusing on state-of-the-art care. Since 1977, over 60,000 physicians, PAs, and NPs have participated in its courses and affiliated educational activities.

The Center for Emergency Medical Education is a producer and accreditor (Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education) of educational programs primarily focused on evidence-based emergency medicine. It is the co-producer of the largest board review course in the field of emergency medicine and also produces courses in pediatric emergency medicine and the risk management aspects of emergency medicine.