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ACOFP ’24 On-Demand Course

The American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (ACOFP) 61st Annual Convention and Scientific Seminars (On-Demand). Explore the latest advancements in family medicine while gaining valuable knowledge and skills to enhance the care you provide to your patients.

Digital Course Bundle $975

Streaming Video, Downloadable Video, Downloadable MP3s

ACOFP ’24 On-Demand Course includes 43 lectures:

  1. Adopting Trauma Informed Pedagogy to an End-of-life Care Curriculum for Interprofessional Students (24:47)
  2. Alzheimer's Dementia: New Frontiers in Testing and Treatment (30:49)
  3. Alzheimer's Dementia: Providing the Latest in Memory Screening and Assessment (1h, 01m)
  4. Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Medicine (44:40)
  5. Asthma and COPD Update 2024 (1h, 06m)
  6. Billing and Coding Potpourri (1h)
  7. Cardiac Manifestations of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) (44:33)
  8. Coding 101: Getting Paid for What You Do (1h, 16m)
  9. Compression Therapy for Patients with PAD (1h, 14m)
  10. Culinary Medicine (1h, 07m)
  11. Depression and Suicidal Behavior: Diagnosing Serious Mental Health Conditions via Telehealth (44:49)
  12. Dermatologic Conditions in Different Skin Tones (51:58)
  13. De-Stress Pain Management Case Forum (1h, 33m)
  14. Diagnosis and Treatment Postmenopausal Osteoporosis (49:45)
  15. Digital Therapeutics: Virtual Reality as Medicine (1h, 03m)
  16. Discovering Physician Wellness and Flourishing as a Leader (1h, 02m)
  17. Doctor-Life Balance Is Possible (59:51)
  18. Early Attending-hood Finance and Billing Pearls (59:38)
  19. Emerging Tropical Diseases in the US: Review for Primary Care (46:53)
  20. Evaluation and Care of Neurodiverse Children and Adolescents (38:33)
  1. Exploring Leadership Journeys (43:56)
  2. Food Allergy Prevention in 2024 (56:17)
  3. From the Hospital to Back Home (and More!): Understanding Transitional Care Management (44:08)
  4. Intensifying Diabetes Therapies (1h, 03m)
  5. Introducing Embodiology® for Patient Justice and Physician Self-Care (54:59)
  6. Introduction to Healthcare for Persons Experiencing Homelessness and Street Medicine Practice Pearls (PEH) (1h, 01m)
  7. Musculoskeletal Tumors (57:30)
  8. No RVU Left Behind: Tips and Tools to Help You Work Smarter, Not Harder (50:52)
  9. Now That BMI Is Gone, How Do We Address Health Indicators (35:08)
  10. Opening Your Own Practice (1h, 01m)
  11. Osteopathic Retrospective (53:02)
  12. Practical Pearls in Dermatology for the Primary Care Physician (37:37)
  13. Primary Care for Patients with Spinal Cord Injury (1h, 02m)
  14. Relative Value of OMT (1h, 05m)
  15. Refreshing the Mind and Body: Exploring the Health Benefits of Cold Water Immersion (46:26)
  16. Resident Training Licenses: To Be or Not to Be (23:16)
  17. Selecting a Nutrition Plan - A Case-Based Discussion (52:48)
  18. Shortage of Community Preceptors for Future Physicians (44:36)
  19. Signs of End of Life (47:56)
  20. Special Education Children and Adolescents: Meeting Their Unique Medical and Psychological Needs (1h, 03m)
  21. Substance Use Disorders in Pregnant and Postpartum Patients (55:34)
  22. Surviving the Medication Maze (1h, 08m)
  23. The Role of Family Medicine in Transgender Care (48:24)

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